December 2015, Year VII, n. 12
David Marsh
Idleness is the roof of all evils
Telos: Writing style is nowadays often almost ignored, moved in the background by the need of ever faster communication flows as if it were a quirky habit. What do you think about this trend, made of abbreviations and lack of punctuation? How can it be diverted?
David Marsh: It’s a matter of choosing the right style for the right occasion - what linguists call register. There are different styles of communication for different occasions, and I think people instinctively understand this. Just as no one wears a suit and tie on the beach, or goes to a funeral dressed for clubbing, so no one would write a job application, say, in the style they would use to text a friend... more
Gianni Rodari was the brilliant author of modern fairytales, so reading David Marsh’s extremely amusing and deeply insightful interview immediately brings to mind one of his most famous fairytales: The Nephew’s trial. For lack of an apostrophe his uncle, “a model of virtue”, becomes the fathers of all vices... more