January 2015, Year VII, n. 1
Tiziano Treu
INPS… on a hot tin roof
Telos: You have been the Special Commissioner of INPS since October 1st and you will be until the end of January. Your task is to create a SuperInps, an endeavour befitting a Marvel superhero. But what does it entail?
Tiziano Treu: Compared to all other large institutions INPS (the largest social security and welfare institute in Italy) is deeply involved with the changes taking place in our world and how they affect our society. Its very nature places it at the crossroads of the country’s most important social problems. Its original task as the main social security organism means it has to satisfy the basic needs of millions of pensioners... more
Many protagonists of the Italian public debate consider themselves reformists. Left-wing, right-wing, ideological and passionate reformists. Still, genuine reformists are not easily identified. Nevertheless, the labour market, where there are clear-cut boundaries and no middle road is the surest way to flush them out... more