April 2015, Year VII, n. 4
Massimiliano Alajmo
What do emotions taste like?
Telos: You are a writer-chef, no doubt about it: your two books (In.gredienti and Fluidità) are tangible proof. Instead insiders often use the expression philosopher-chef to describe you. What exactly does it mean?
Massimiliano Alajmo: To be honest, I don’t know. You need to ask them! It’s true I have my own personal idea about cooking. If that’s the way people see me, then yes: it’s a philosophy, it’s my way of expressing and conveying a concept. I believe that there are certain basic elements to cooking. First and foremost, sharing ... more
If you are cooking on a TV-show wearing a mysterious gaze or a charming grin, and you are trying to induce people to think that a palette knife at home is a through-and-through necessity, and that the good pasta - bronze-drawn, Madam: please! ... more