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Maria Palazzolo

Publisher: Telos A&S srl
Via del Plebiscito, 107
00186 Rome

Reg.: Court of Rome 295/2009 of 18 September 2009

Diffusion: Internet
Protocols - Isp: Eurologon srl

A member of the Fipra Network
Socio Corporate di American Chamber of Commerce in Italy



Telos Primo Piano Scala c

the collection TWO, our way to
celebrate the tenth anniversary
of our monthly publication
Primo Piano Scala c.

the collection ONE, our way
to celebrate the first five years
of our monthly publication
“Primo Piano Scala c”.

June 2021, Year XIII, n. 6

Luigi Caso

The Efficient, Uncompromising Controller

Telos: The Court of Auditors is a key body in the life of the public administration that also finds itself in the awkward position of having to guarantee the proper spending and use of public funds. So, you have a jurisdictional, consultative and control function. But what is it you really do?

Luigi Caso: The Italian Court of Auditors was established in 1862, one year after Italian Unification. So, it is the oldest magistrature in Italy.
In an extreme nutshell, its function is to check that the money taken in the form of taxes is properly spent and, when serious cases of waste are detected, order the culprits to pay damages. Unfortunately, in a country that at times seems more inclined to deviate from rather than follow the rules and that is often indifferent to public assets, this function can be rather awkward ...more


“The Temptation of Irresponsibility” is the title of an article published last year in the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore by the man we’ve interviewed for our June issue: Luigi Caso.
Caso, a magistrate in the Italian Court of Auditors and President of the Italian Association of Accounting Magistrates, with his typically effective and clear writing style, takes up the evergreen issue of administrative streamlining, a never-ending mantra in public debate: the streamlined procedures needed to curb Italy’s typically slow bureaucracy, a heavy burden for both businesses and citizens alike, even from an economic point of view ...more

the collection TWO, our way to
celebrate the tenth anniversary
of our monthly publication
Primo Piano Scala c.

the collection ONE, our way
to celebrate the first five years
of our monthly publication
“Primo Piano Scala c”.