May 2021, Year XIII, n. 5
Leonardo Latini
The Green Mayor
Telos: Every time someone talks about the direct election of the Prime Minister, people use the very evocative expression “Mayor of Italy”. So, is it true that Mayors have, in the administration of their own city, more power than the Prime Minister has today?
Leonardo Latini: Public affairs are handled on two very different levels. Clearly, the more the administration distances itself from the local area, the more it has to step in with general measures. You ask me which level has more power… We need to clarify what it means to exert power. In the second post-war period, Adriano Olivetti proposed a central government model based on local communities. He argued that the ideal size of each community, and therefore of each administrative body, should be no more than 100,000 inhabitants. In a community of this size, he said, there could still be participation, control and effective management. Any larger, and everything gets more complicated ...more
When you think about Terni, you think about steel, about the crisis of industry. And what about Terni and sweet pizza? However, for the man we’ve interviewed this month, Mayor Leonardo Latini, the first things that have to come in one’s mind have to be employment, respect for the environment and sports tourism.
It’s not that Terni’s well-known sweet pizza should be undermined. Instead, perhaps it’s more pressing for Latini to imagine associating Terni with hydrogen mobility ...more