April 2018, Year X, n. 4
Kevin F. Adler
The miracle man
Telos: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”- Albert Einstein said. What is Miracle Messages?
Kevin Adler: Miracle Messages reconnects people living on the streets with their loved ones (and us), through short video message and social media. In 2017, we received funding from Tipping Point for a 1-year pilot in San Francisco. Miracle Messages is a 2017 winner of MassChallenge, and has been featured in the New York Times, NPR, TED, and NowThis, whose video reached 26M views ...more
Good news doesn’t make headlines and bad news travels fast. It’s a proven fact. Attempts to create a buzz by only talking about the good and wonderful things that happen have failed miserably. Many have gone into journalism wanting to help change the world ...more