February 2018, Year X, n. 2
Elisabetta Sgarbi
The Captain of the Publishing Industry
Telos: What do you think about contemporary publishing in an Italy that doesn’t read?
Elisabetta Sgarbi: Italy has always been a country with little interest in books and a low propensity to read. Obviously, there are several historical and cultural reasons for this. One reason certainly lies in the schools. However, besides these reasons, in Italy the system that revolves around books (which means distributors, retailers, publishers) has some anomalies in comparison with other countries. And we Italians have decided that these anomalies are normal. ...more
Let’s step into the shoes of the people who don’t read. They have to endure the raised eyebrows of those who read, and the haughtiness of those who read a lot. Not to mention Pubblicità Progresso and its public service announcements inviting people to read to be better people. ...more