Both Houses of Parliament approved two twin resolutions authorising the Government to further increase the State’s deficit by €25 billion in 2020, €6.1 billion in 2021, €1 billion in 2022, €6.2 billion in 2023, €5 billion in 2024, €3.3 billion in 2025 and €1.7 billion from 2026 onwards, thus further deviating from the path towards the medium-term budgetary objective (MTO)
The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, signed a new Ordinance under which incoming travellers who have stayed in Romania or Bulgaria in the 14 days before entering the Italian territory are now under an obligation to undergo a 14-day quarantine.
On 11 June, Mariella Palazzolo and Marco Sonsini of Telos A&S took part in the round of parliamentary hearings in the Chamber of Deputies Constitutional Affairs Committee within the framework of the examination of the draft laws on the regulation of interest representation.
The Government approved the so-called Simplification Decree (Decree-Law n.76/2020), an annual piece of legislation aimed at cutting red tape, with special regard for public procurement, construction and infrastructure, administrative authorisation processes, digital public services, and the green economy.