May 2014, Year VI, n. 5
Maurizio Sacconi
Less law, more contracts: the future of the labour market
Telos: Reforming the labour market seems to be a renewed priority for the Government. The technocratic Cabinet was expected to make the labour market more flexible; instead, it made it less so. The present Cabinet appears to be inspired by the concept of a single employment contract. As Labour Minister, you had tried other options. What is your opinion of the effects of the Fornero reform? And what kind of regulatory change does the labour market really need today?
Maurizio Sacconi: The Fornero Reform has failed and now we need to really speed up the law-making process to simplify labour relations. All kinds of enterprises, irrespective of their size and sector, are asking us to make fundamental changes so that they can hire more easily in a period of uncertainty ... more
The different labour market reforms proposed in the past twenty years have been an argument of bitter debate between political parties, productive social groups and public opinion. Today there is a feeling that this political and ideological conflict has been replaced by a more pragmatic discussion, one which focuses on trying to achieve objectives which are essentially not only shared by more than one group, but are also to some extent inevitable due to the economic situation and the need to structurally adjust vis-à-vis the more competitive countries in the Eurozone ... more