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Maria Palazzolo

Publisher: Telos A&S srl
Via del Plebiscito, 107
00186 Rome

Reg.: Court of Rome 295/2009 of 18 September 2009

Diffusion: Internet
Protocols - Isp: Eurologon srl

A member of the Fipra Network
Socio Corporate di American Chamber of Commerce in Italy



Telos Primo Piano Scala c

the collection TWO, our way to
celebrate the tenth anniversary
of our monthly publication
Primo Piano Scala c.

the collection ONE, our way
to celebrate the first five years
of our monthly publication
“Primo Piano Scala c”.

April 2012, Year IV, n. 4

Lorenzo Bini Smaghi

Is it all the EU’s fault?

Telos: The dialectical tension between democratic decision-making processes and the supervisory role of technocrats, especially in the economic and financial field, is a controversial issue which is often exploited for purely nationalistic purposes. Who really holds the key of the agenda of structural reforms in Europe?

Lorenzo Bini Smaghi: It is very convenient to present reforms as imposed by the EU, thus shifting the burden of unpopularity to someone else. It is indeed National Authorities, Parliaments and Governments, that are in charge of structural reforms. The EU Institutions can just advice and compare policies implemented in different Member States to identify best practices... more (in italian)...


Unpopular decisions, yet necessary. That seems to be the leitmotif of 2012 and not just in Italy. This refrain is deeply linked to the statement… the EU wants it! As if the EU were a separated body, totally detached from the life and policy choices of Member States, a sort of scapegoat for any problem afflicting us, first of all the economic ones.... more (in italian)...

the collection TWO, our way to
celebrate the tenth anniversary
of our monthly publication
Primo Piano Scala c.

the collection ONE, our way
to celebrate the first five years
of our monthly publication
“Primo Piano Scala c”.