September 2024, Year XVI, no. 9
Carlos Luis Suárez
Faith, Love and Joy
Telos: You are priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but you call yourselves the Dehonian fathers. Why is that?
Carlos Luis Suárez: Our appellation -Dehonian- comes from the name of the founder of our congregation, the French priest Léon Dehon, who in 1878 gave life to our institute, driven by the desire to spread the Reign of the Heart of Jesus in souls and in society. An active proponent of the social teaching of Pope Leon XIII (author of the encyclical Rerum Novarum), Fr. Dehon based his Christian life and ministry on restorative spirituality in the face of Love not loved. A man of the Gospel and deep Eucharistic life, Fr. Dehon, with his mindful inner life, engaged in areas varying from school teaching, social apostolate in factories, communication media and missions abroad, just to mention a few areas of his apostolate ...more
It’s all Father Riccardo’s fault. The surly yet engaging priest from Bergamo who, without telling anybody, decided to organise the final dinner of the 25th General Chapter of the Congregation of Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to raise funds for the Pasti Caldi Association that distributes hot meals to people on the street. With only (!) more than 120 guests and the aid of Divine Providence, this time manifesting as the association’s volunteers, the dinner became a reality. I was involved as an outsider to provide a small contribution and discovered a world of joy ...more