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Maria Palazzolo

Publisher: Telos A&S srl
Via del Plebiscito, 107
00186 Rome

Reg.: Court of Rome 295/2009 of 18 September 2009

Diffusion: Internet
Protocols - Isp: Eurologon srl

A member of the Fipra Network
Socio Corporate di American Chamber of Commerce in Italy



Telos Primo Piano Scala c

the collection TWO, our way to
celebrate the tenth anniversary
of our monthly publication
Primo Piano Scala c.

the collection ONE, our way
to celebrate the first five years
of our monthly publication
“Primo Piano Scala c”.

February 2025, Year XVII, no. 2

Patrick Bernard

A city made of villages

Telos: The Parisian is associated with the râleur, those who are always grumbling because they are angry - in turn or at the same time - with everything and everyone. Yet, in 2017 you began to think about how to stimulate a return to personal relationships in an often-difficult metropolis. Can you tell us about the beginning of your bonjours in the café down the street?

Patrick Bernard: It's true that asking a Parisian to stop grumbling is a bit like ripping off his arm, and this universal image of the hostile Parisian paradoxically helped our approach a lot. But to initiate our project, it was essential not to take ourselves too seriously, and to propose a kind of game, resolutely innocent, that my neighbours could integrate easily and confidently, without fear of being manipulated or embroiled in a commercial or politically-motivated project ...more


An urban neighbourhood doesn't have to be unfriendly or anonymous at all. We want to create the atmosphere of a village in an urban space! Who says so? Our guest for this February issue of PRIMOPIANOSCALAc, the revolutionary Patrick Bernard. How? By leading a distinctly un-Parisian revolution although it began on an inner-city street. No barricades were assembled to block the nearby boulevards and no radical students hurled cobblestones ripped from the pavement ...more

the collection TWO, our way to
celebrate the tenth anniversary
of our monthly publication
Primo Piano Scala c.

the collection ONE, our way
to celebrate the first five years
of our monthly publication
“Primo Piano Scala c”.