Italy COVID-19 - a “reality check” of the measures adopted by the Government to support the economy
Telos A&S has collected the available data that can give an idea of the extent to which the measures adopted by the Government to support the economy have been implemented, how many citizens and businesses have requested some form of financial aid (either directly to the State or through the banking system) and what issues they are confronting.
The data show that:
- businesses are struggling to access to credit despite the State’s guarantee;
- millions of workers are dependent on the aid of the Government and that the relevant social security programmes urgently need to be refinanced.
In the note you will find data about:
- liquidity support for businesses guaranteed by the State through the banking sector;
- economic aid to workers, including income support schemes and other forms of direct cash payments;
- the spreading of poverty and the loss of irregular jobs, which is boosting the applications for the s.c. citizenship income.
If you are interested to know more please contact Telos A&S at
You may download the ‘reality check’, in English, below.