Mar, 2020
Italy COVID-19 Legislative measures - The English version of the Decree shutting down all non-essential production activities
Over the weekend the Prime Minister adopted a new Decree (DPCM) to tackle the Covid-19 emergency, shutting down all non-essential production activities. In particular the Decree:
- allows the activities which are not specifically listed in the Decree but are nonetheless necessary to guarantee the continuity of the supply chains of the essential activities identified by the Decree to remain open, merely upon notification to the Prefect (i.e. the representative of the national Government in the relevant Province) who may suspend those businesses if he deems that they are not essential to the supply chain;
- allows the activities of continuous production plants, whose closure would result in serious damage to the plant or risk of accidents, and all strategic activities for the national economy to remain open;
- grants two additional days (March 25) to the companies whose activities are suspended to complete pending tasks ahead of the suspension.
If you are interested to know more please contact Telos A&S at telos@telosaes.it
You may download the courtesy translation of the DPCM below
Download it here